3. There are three options now available; Push Configuration, Push Presets or
both. In this example, Push Configuration is not selected and all presets will be
a. Select Push Presets only. This enables two additional options, All and
b. Select All. Push Presets-All uploads all stored presets from DMP Configurator to
the device overwriting previous presets.
4. Click OK. The Synchronize with Device dialog box appears.
5. Leave all selections as they are and click OK again to push the presets to the device.
6. If changes have been made to the DSP parameters (including mix-point, gain or
processor blocks) since the last file save, DSP Configurator prompts to save the file.
Click Yes or No, as necessary,
a. Click Yes to save the currently open configuration to an existing file or to create a
new one. The new configuration is pushed to the device.
b. Click No to ignore the file changes. The currently open configuration is pushed to
the DMP 44 LC.
DMP 44 LC • Software Control 65