Push Configuration - Advanced, Push Presets, Selected
The next example shows how to customize a
push to include only selected presets.
Connect the DMP 44 LC as described by steps
1 to 4 in the previous procedure for switching
from Emulate mode to Live mode (see
“To switch from emulate mode to live mode:”),
1. Select the Push radio button, then click
NOTE: Pressing OK at this time pushes
the currently open configuration
to the DMP 44 LC.
2. Select the Custom radio button.
3. Select Push Presets.
4. Choose Selected.
5. Click OK. The Synchronize with Device
dialog box appears.
6. If it is not selected, select the Push the
data... radio button and click OK again.
7. If changes have been made to the DSP
parameters (including mix-point, gain or
processor blocks) since the last file save, the
DSP Configurator prompts to save the file.
a. Click Yes to open the file selection box,
see previous sections for the Save File
as... dialog box instructions. Accept
the name, choose an existing file name
or create a new one and click OK. The
new configuration is pushed to the device.
b. Click No to ignore the changes.
8. The Presets in the Configuration dialog
box opens. Select the preset configurations
to push to the DMP 44 LC. A
checkmark appears for each selection.
In this example, a checkmark has been placed
in the 1. Input Procs and
4. Output XPA preset check boxes.
9. Press OK. The DSP Configurator program
saves the configuration then updates the
DMP 44 LC configuration, overwriting the
configuration in the device. When the
transmit and receive indicators stop flashing,
the upload is complete and the DSP
Configurator program is now connected
live to the DMP 44 LC.
Changes to the configuration are reflected
immediately in the device operation.
DMP 44 LC • Software Control 66