Sony OXF-R3 Music Mixer User Manual

Chapter 2 Powering the OXF-R3 2-1
Chapter 2 Powering The OXF-R3
Chapter 2 – Powering The OXF-R3
This chapter provides step-by-step procedures for starting up the OXF-R3,
including the power-up sequence and the booting of the Host Computer. It
also includes the procedure for controlled shutdown of the OXF-R3.
Chapter 2 Contents
2-1 OXF-R3 Start-Up ........................................................................... 2-2
2-1-1 Start-up Procedure ............................................................... 2-2
2-2 OXF-R3 Shutdown ......................................................................... 2-4
2-2-1 Shutdown Procedure ............................................................ 2-4