3-16 Chapter 3 Getting Started
Chapter 3 Getting Started
3-8 Select To Faders
Exploiting this approach even further, the faders can also be assigned to
control Input Gain, Group Trim and all Send Bus levels.
The Select to Faders diagram at the beginning of this section is a visual
guide showing how the OXF-R3 accommodates conventional in-line
channel strip level controls on its faders. Note that all level controls are
still available in parallel within the assignable panels in a more
conventional manner.
This approach is very convenient for checking foldback or effects send
balances. The faders and their selector system are very close at hand,
allowing any balance to be quickly checked at a glance and adjusted.
A copy function allows the user to take the balance set-up as the monitor
mix and transfer it to any of the Send Bus mixes. The fader balance copy
function applies to M/T Send Faders to Channel Faders and vice versa.
This is described in detail in Chapter 6.
The 16 centre section master faders are also assignable in two groups of 8
faders. They are assigned via the SEL area on the SELECT TO FADERS
panel and may control:
• SENDs (Send Master levels)
• SUPER SGs (Super Send Group master levels)
• GROUPs (VCA style control group masters)