Chapter 3 Getting Started 3-1
Chapter 3 Getting Started
Chapter 3 – Getting Started
This chapter gives an overview of the control surface layout and
functionality. It also provides easy to follow, step-by-step procedures for
basic operations of the console. These are designed to help the
experienced operator become familiar with the OXF-R3 within a short
period of time.
Chapter 3 Contents
3-1 The Control Surface ...................................................................... 3-2
3-2 Fader Paging .................................................................................... 3-8
3-3 Assignable Channel Processing ...................................................... 3-9
3-4 Input Channel, Equaliser and Filters ............................................. 3-10
3-5 Free Assign Area and Dynamics ................................................... 3-11
3-6 Multitrack, Routing for Multitrack, Super Send Groups and
Multi-Format ............................................................................... 3-12
3-7 Sends ............................................................................................. 3-13
3-8 Select To Faders .......................................................................... 3-14
3-9 Select To Pans .............................................................................. 3-17
3-10 Basic Console Operations ........................................................... 3-18
3-10-1 To Route a Mic or Line Input to the Main Output Bus ... 3-19
3-10-2 To Set Up a Super Send Group from Channel Inputs...... 3-20
3-10-3 To Send Signals to Tracks on Tape ................................. 3-21
3-10-4 To Monitor Signals to and from Tape.............................. 3-22
3-10-5 To Set Up a Stereo Headphone Mix for Foldback 1 O/P 3-23
3-10-6 To Equalise Signal Feeding the Multitrack ..................... 3-24
3-10-7 To Equalise Monitor Signal Post Multitrack ................... 3-25
3-10-8 To Insert Dynamics Pre Multitrack Send......................... 3-26
3-10-9 To Insert Dynamics Post Multitrack Return .................... 3-27
3-10-10 To Bounce Tracks ............................................................ 3-28
3-10-11 To Set Up Super Send Groups from Multitrack .............. 3-29
3-10-12 To Set Up a De-Esser Using Dynamics Side-Chain EQ.. 3-30
3-10-13 To Link Compressor Side-Chains in a Group.................. 3-31
3-10-14 To Link Compressor Side-Chains so that One Channel
Controls a Second Channel .............................................. 3-32