Soundscape Mixpander
Page 23 of 109
Basic principles: mixer element inputs/outputs, connecting mixer elements
Each mixer element has at least one input and one output, and some elements have many more.
These individual inputs and outputs come in three categories: "fixed", "assignable", and "recorder".
It is helpful to visualize them in order to understand the signal flow within a mixer column.
Fixed inputs/outputs
The fixed inputs and outputs connect the various mixer elements within a mixer column. In our
diagrams they are indicated by numbers incremented from left to right. The examples below show
a mono multi EQ mixer element, as it appears within a mixer column, and with its single input and
single output represented:
...and a stereo CompressorX mixer element with side-chain, as it appears within a mixer column,
and with its four inputs and two outputs represented:
Multi EQ element, mono, as
seen within a mixer column.
Multi EQ element, mono, with
its input and output shown.
Input number
Output number
CompressorX element, stereo with side-
chain, as seen within a mixer column.
CompressorX element, stereo with side-
chain, with its inputs and outputs shown.
Side-chain inputs (3&4)
Main signal inputs
(stereo pair 1&2)
Main signal outputs
(stereo pair 1&2)
1 2
1 2 4 3