Yamaha QY 300 Recording Equipment User Manual

The last operation
performed is “forgotten”
by the UNDO job
whenerver the SONG or PHRASE
step reocrd mode is engaged, even
if the step record mode is exited
without acutally recording any data.
to execute the Undo/Redo job. The metronome icon will
appear on the display while the data is being processed, then “Completed” will
appear briefly when the job is done. Press the
key (“Exit”) to return to the
job list, or a mode key to. go directly to the selected mode.
01: Quantize
Aligns notes in the specified user phrase to or close to the nearest specified
parameter selects the user phrase to be affected by the Quantize
job: “001” ... “100”.
parameter determines to what beats the note data in the
specified phrase will be aligned. If you select for example, all notes in the
phrase will be aligned to the nearest 16th-note beat, to a degree determined by
the “Strength” parameter.
Quantize Values
Value Effect
No quantization. Swing settings also ignored.
Aligns to the nearest 32nd note.
Aligns to the nearest 16th note triplet.
Aligns to the nearest 16th note.
Aligns to the nearest 8th note triplet.
Aligns to the nearest 8th note.
Aligns to the nearest quarter note triplet.
Aligns to the nearest quarter note.
Aligns to the nearest 16th note + 16th note triplet.
Aligns to the nearest 8th note + 8th note triplet.
parameter determines how “strongly” the notes are attracted
to the specified quantize value. The strength range is from 0% to 100%. At a
setting of “0%” no quantization will occur, while a setting of “100%” will
cause all notes to be aligned precisely to the nearest specified beat value. In-
between settings produce a corresponding shift in the position of all off-beat
notes to the nearest specified beat value. With a value setting of
and a