This chapter provides guidelines and other key information about how to
administer bridge packet filters in your system, including the following
Listing and displaying packet filters
Creating, deleting, editing, and loading packet filters
Assigning and unassigning packet filters
Managing port groups
Independently configurable packet filtering is provided for the packet
processing paths on each bridge port of the system. After you create a
packet filter, you can assign the filter to the transmit or the receive paths
of any bridge port or group of bridge ports.
The filter executes a series of test operations on the packet’s contents
and, if the result is zero, it stops (filters) the packet. If the end result is
non-zero, the filter lets the packet pass.
For more information about implementing packet filters on your network,
see the
Implementation Guide
for your system.
For the CoreBuilder
9000 platform, the commands in this chapter apply
to Layer 3 switching modules only.