ipx route secondary
ipx route secondary
Displays any secondary routes that are available.
Valid Minimum Abbreviation
ipx ro se
Important Considerations
To see entries for any secondary routes, you must:
Establish alternate paths to the same IPX network.
Enable the IPX secondary route/server option. See “ipx secondary”
at the end of this chapter.
A secondary route entry can replace a primary route entry when the
primary route is removed from the routing table for any reason (for
example, if the route reaches its age limit).
For a CoreBuilder 3500 system, the route table display shows the
range for the routing table primary entries in the format
n – m
, where
is the current number of entries and
is the maximum number of
primary entries.
Fields in the IPX Secondary Route Display
Field Description
Address Unique 4-byte network address of a segment in
the system’s routing table.
Age Number of seconds that have elapsed since the last
time the router sent a packet.
Hops Number of hops, or the number of routers that
must be crossed to reach the network segment.
Interface System-assigned number for the interface.
Node 6-byte MAC address of the router that can forward
packets to the segment. A node address of all
zeroes (
) means that the
route is connected directly to the router.
Ticks Number of ticks, which is an estimate of time in
seconds, that the packet takes to reach the
network segment. There are 18.21 ticks in a