20: IPX
ipx interface define
For CoreBuilder 9000: Applies to Layer 3 switching modules only.
Defines an IPX interface.
Valid Minimum Abbreviation
ipx i de
Important Considerations
An IPX interface defines the relationships among an IPX virtual LAN
(VLAN), the IPX router, and the IPX network. The IPX router has one
IPX interface defined for each network than is directly connected to it.
When you define an interface, you define the interface’s IPX address,
cost, format, and any associated IPX VLAN index.
Before you define the IPX (routing) interface, you must specify a VLAN
and select IPX, IPX-II, IPX-802.2, IPX 802.2 LLC, IPX-802.3, or
IPX-802.2-SNAP as a protocol that the VLAN supports, as described in
Chapter 14. (For routing, a VLAN can now support multiple protocols.)
Unless your network has special requirements such as the need for
redundant paths, assign a cost of 1 to each interface.
The two Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) encapsulation formats
correspond to the Ethernet 802.2 LLC and 802.3 SNAP encapsulation
formats. If you select either of these Ethernet encapsulation formats,
the corresponding FDDI encapsulation format is automatically selected
for shared Ethernet and FDDI ports.
Prompt Description Possible Values [Default]
IPX network
4-byte IPX address of the
interface. The address must be
unique within the network.
0x1 – 0xfffffffe –
Ticks Number that the system uses to
calculate route time. (A tick is an
estimate of how long a packet
takes to reach the network
segment.) There are 18.21 ticks
in a second.
1 – 65534 1