3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide — IP / IPX Chapter 3 IPX Configuration Commands
0 RIP general requests received, 0 RIP general responses sent
0 SAP received, 0 SAP sent, 0 SAP discarded
0 SAP requests received, 0 SAP responses sent
Table 3-1 Description on the fields of the display ipx interface command
Field Description
Vlan-interface1 is down State of the current VLAN interface
IPX address
IPX network number and node address of the
current VLAN interface
[down] State of the IPX protocol
Indicates whether SAP is enabled on the
current VLAN interface
Split horizon
Indicates whether split horizon is enabled on
the current VLAN interface
Update change only
Indicates whether triggered update is enabled
on the current VLAN interface
Forwarding of IPX type 20
propagation packet
Indicates whether the IPX packets whose
broadcast type is 20 are forwarded through
the current VLAN interface
Delay of this IPX interface Delay of the current VLAN interface
SAP GNS response
Indicates whether SAP GNS reply is enabled
on the current VLAN interface
RIP packet maximum size
Maximum length of the RIP update packets
that the current VLAN interface can send
SAP packet maximum size
Maximum length of the SAP update packets
that the current VLAN interface can send
IPX encapsulation
IPX encapsulation format of the current VLAN
0 received, 0 sent
0 bytes received, 0 bytes sent
0 RIP received, 0 RIP sent, 0
RIP discarded
0 RIP specific requests
received, 0 RIP specific responses
0 RIP general requests
received, 0 RIP general responses
0 SAP received, 0 SAP sent, 0
SAP discarded
0 SAP requests received, 0
SAP responses sent
The number of IPX packets and bytes sent
and received by the current VLAN interface;
the number of received, sent, and dropped
IPX RIP packets; the number of received
special request packets and response
packets; the number of received general
request packets and response packets; the
number of received, transmitted, and dropped
IPX SAP packets; the number of received IPX
SAP packets and response packets