
3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – VRRP & HA Chapter 1 VRRP Configuration Commands
# Specify the authentication type as simple, and authentication key as aabbcc.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] interface Vlan-interface 2
[3Com-Vlan-interface2] vrrp authentication-mode simple aabbcc
1.1.5 vrrp method
vrrp method { real-mac | virtual-mac }
undo vrrp method
System view
real-mac: Maps the real MAC address of a Layer 3 switch routing interface to virtual
router IP addresses.
virtual-mac: Maps the virtual MAC address to virtual router IP addresses of backup
Use the vrrp method command to map the MAC address of a backup group to the
virtual router IP addresses. You can map the actual or virtual MAC address of a Layer 3
switch routing interface to virtual router IP addresses.
Use the undo vrrp method command to restore the default map settings.
By default, the virtual MAC address of a backup group is mapped to the IP address of
the virtual router.
Note that as the mapping relationship between the MAC addresses of a backup group
and a virtual router IP address cannot be configured after the backup group is created,
configure the mapping relationship before you create a backup group.
Due to the chips installed, when you map the virtual IP addresses to the virtual MAC
addresses, the type of chips decides the number of backup groups that can be
configured on a VLAN interface. Refer to device specification for detail.