3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 5 BGP Configuration Commands
# Display the statistics of BGP routing information.
<3Com> display bgp routing-table statistic
Routes total: 4
5.1.26 filter-policy export
filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefix ip-prefix-name } export [ protocol [ process-id ] ]
undo filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefix ip-prefix-name } export [ protocol
[ process-id ] ]
BGP view
acl-number: Number of IP access control list.
ip-prefix-name: Name of ip prefix list, containing 1 to 19 characters.
protocol: Routing protocol, specifying a protocol whose routing information is filtered.
Currently, the routing protocols includes direct, ospf, ospf-ase, ospf-nssa, rip, isis,
and static.
process-id: Routing protocol process ID, in the range of 1 to 65535. This argument is
valid only when the protocol is ospf.
Use the filter-policy export command to filter the advertised routes and only the
routes passing the filter can be advertised by BGP.
Use the undo filter-policy export command to cancel the filtration to the advertised
By default, filtration to the received routing information is not configured.
If a value is specified for the protocol argument, only the imported route generated by
the specified protocol is filtered and the imported routes generated by other protocols
are not affected. If no value is specified for the protocol argument, the imported route
generated by any protocol will be filtered.
# Use ACL 2000 to filter the routing information advertised by BGP.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] bpg 100