
3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – SNMP & RMON Chapter 2 RMON Configuration Commands
2.1.7 rmon alarm
rmon alarm entry-number alarm-variable sampling-time { delta | absolute } rising
threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1 falling threshold threshold-value2
event-entry2 [ owner text ]
undo rmon alarm entry-number
System view
entry-number: Alarm entry line number, in the range of 1 to 65535.
alarm-variable: Alarm variable, a string comprising 1 to 256 characters in dotted node
OID format (such as, or ifInOctets.1). Only the variables that can
be resolved to ASN.1 INTEGER data type (that is, INTEGER, Counter, Gauge, or
TimeTicks) can be used as alarm variables.
sampling-time: Sampling interval (in seconds), in the range of 5 to 65,535.
delta: Specifies to sample increments (that is, the current increment with regard to the
latest sample)
absolute: Specifies to sample absolute values.
rising_threshold threshold-value1: Specifies the upper threshold. The
threshold-value1 argument ranges from 0 to 2,147,483,647.
event-entry1: Index of the event entry corresponding to the upper threshold, in the
range of 1 to 65,535.
falling_threshold threshold-value2: Specifies the lower threshold. The
threshold-value2 argument ranges from 0 to 2,147,483,647.
event-entry2: Index of the event entry corresponding to the lower threshold, in the
range of 1 to 65,535.
owner text: Specifies the owner of the entry. The text argument is a string comprising 1
to 127 characters.
Use the rmon alarm command to add an alarm entry to the alarm table.
Use the undo rmon alarm command to remove an alarm entry from the alarm table.
You can use the rmon alarm command to define an alarm entry so that a specific alarm
event can be triggered under specific circumstances. The act (such as logging and
sending trap messages to NMS) taken after an alarm event occurs is determined by the
corresponding alarm entry.