3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 2 RIP Configuration Commands
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[3Com] rip
2.1.14 rip authentication-mode
rip authentication-mode { simple password | md5 { rfc2453 key-string | rfc2082
key-string key-id } }
undo rip authentication-mode
Interface view
simple: Specifies to use simple text authentication mode.
password: Simple text authentication key, containing 1 to 16 characters.
md5: Specifies to use MD5 cipher text authentication mode.
rfc2453: Specifies that MD5 cipher text authentication packets will use a packet
format (IETF standard) stipulated by RFC2453.
rfc2082: Specifies that MD5 cipher text authentication packets will use a packet
format stipulated by RFC2082.
key-string: MD5 cipher text authentication key. If it is input in a plain text form, MD5
key is a character string not exceeding 16 characters. And it will be displayed in a
cipher text form in a length of 24 characters when you use the display
current-configuration command. You can also input the MD5 key in a cipher text
form with a length of 24 characters.
key-id: MD5 cipher text authentication identifier, ranging from 1 to 255.
Use the rip authentication-mode command to configure RIP-2 authentication mode
and its parameters.
Use the undo rip authentication-mode command to cancel RIP-2 authentication
RIP-1 does not authenticate packets. Generally RIP authenticates packets in two
modes: plaintext authentication and MD5 ciphertext authentication. There are two
packet formats in the MD5 ciphertext authentication: one format conforms to RFC
2453 and the other format is described in RFC 2082. Routers support both formats.
You can select any format as required.
Related command: rip version.