
3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – SNMP & RMON Chapter 2 RMON Configuration Commands
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com]interface Ethernet 1/0/1
[3Com-Ethernet1/0/1] rmon statistics 1
[3Com-Ethernet1/0/1] quit
[3Com] rmon prialarm 2 ((.*100) test 10 changeratio
rising_threshold 50 1 falling_threshold 5 2 entrytype forever owner user1
# Remove the extended alarm entry numbered 2 from the extended alarm table.
[3Com] undo rmon prialarm 2
2.1.11 rmon statistics
rmon statistics entry-number [ owner text ]
undo rmon statistics entry-number
Ethernet port view
entry-number: Statistics entry Index, in the range of 1 to 65535.
owner text: Specifies the owner of the entry, a string comprising 1 to 127 characters.
Use the rmon statistics command to add an entry to the statistics table.
Use the undo rmon statistics command to remove an entry from the statistics table.
The RMON statistics management function is used to take statistics of the usage of the
monitored ports and errors occurred to them. The statistics includes the number of the
following items: collisions, packet with CRC errors, undersize (or oversize) packets,
broadcast and multicast packets, received packets and bytes and so on.
For each port, only one RMON alarm table entry can be created, that is to say, if one
RMON alarm table entry was already created for a given port, creation of another entry
with a different index number for the same port will not succeed.
You can use the display rmon statistics command to display the statistics entries.