3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 2 RIP Configuration Commands
[3Com] rip
[3Com-rip] filter-policy 2000 export
2.1.6 filter-policy import
filter-policy gateway ip-prefix-name import
undo filter-policy gateway ip-prefix-name import
filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefix ip-prefix-name [ gateway ip-prefix-name ] |
route-policy route-policy-name } import [ interface interface-type interface-number ]
undo filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefix ip-prefix-name [ gateway ip-prefix-name ]
| route-policy route-policy-name } import [ interface interface-type
interface-number ]
RIP view
acl-number: Number of the ACL used to filter routing information by destination
address, in the range of 2,000 to 3,999.
ip-prefix-name: Name of the address prefix list used to filter routing information by
destination address, containing 1 to 19 characters.
gateway ip-prefix-name: Name of the address prefix list used to filter routing
information by the address of the neighbor router advertising the information,
containing 1 to 19 characters.
route-policy-name: Name of the routing policy used to filter routing information,
containing 1 to 19 characters.A routing policy can enable RIP to determine which
routes are to be sent/received based on such fields as
interface interface-type interface-number: Filters routes on the specified interface.
The interface-type argument represents the interface type and the interface-number
argument represents the interface number.
Use the filter-policy gateway import command to enable RIP to filter received
routing information by a specified address so that the routing information advertised
by the address can pass the filter.
Use the undo filter-policy gateway import command to disable the above filtering.
Use the filter-policy import command to filter the received routing information.
Use the undo filter-policy import command to disable the above filtering.