
3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 6 IP Routing Policy Configuration Commands
An if-match statement defines the match rules of this node. An apply statement
defines the actions after filtering through this node. The filtering relationship between
the if-match statements of the node is "and". That is, all if-match statements of the
node must be met.
The filtering relation between Route-policy nodes is "OR". That is, filtering through
one node means filtering through this Route-policy. If the information does not filter
through any node, it cannot filter through this Route-policy.
Related command: if-match interface, if-match acl, if-match ip-prefix, if-match ip
next-hop, if-match cost, if-match tag, apply ip next-hop, apply local-preference,
apply cost, apply origin, and apply tag.
# Configure Route-policy policy_10, with the node number of 12 and the match mode
of permit, and enter Route policy view.
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com]route-policy policy_10 permit node 12
%New sequence of this list