3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 4 Integrated IS-IS Configuration Commands
Use the isis timer retransmit command to configure the time interval for
retransmitting LSP packets over point-to-point link.
Use the undo isis timer retransmit command to resume the default configuration.
You should be careful when configuring this parameter to avoid unnecessary
You need not use this command over a broadcast link, because a LAP packet
requires response from the peer only over a point-to-point link, but not over a
broadcast link,
Related command: isis timer lsp.
# Configure the time interval as 10 seconds for Vlan-interface 10 to retransmit LSP.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z..
[3Com] interface Vlan-interface 10
[3Com-Vlan-interface10] isis timer retransmit 10
4.1.29 is-level
is-level { level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 }
undo is-level
IS-IS view
level-1: Indicates the router works in Level-1, which means it only calculates routes
within the area, and maintains L1 LSDB.
level-1-2: Indicates the router works in Level-1-2, which means it calculates routes
and maintains LSDB for both L1 and L2.
level-2: Indicates the router works in Level-2, which means it calculates LSP
switching and routes and maintains LSDB for L2 only.
Use the is-level command to configure IS-IS router type.
Use the undo is-level command to resume the default configuration.
The configuration is level-1-2 by default.