
3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Multicast Chapter 5 PIM Configuration Commands
Related command: multicast routing-enable.
# Enable the PIM-SM protocol on VLAN-interface10.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] multicast routing-enable
[3Com] interface Vlan-interface 10
[3Com-Vlan-interface10] pim sm
5.1.16 pim timer hello
pim timer hello seconds
undo pim timer hello
VLAN interface view
seconds: Interval at which a VLAN interface sends Hello packets, in the range of 1
second to 18,000 seconds.
Use the pim timer hello command to set the interval at which a VLAN interface sends
Hello packets.
Use the undo pim timer hello command to restore the default value of the interval.
By default, a VLAN interface sends Hello packets at the interval of 30 seconds.
When the PIM-SM protocol is enabled on a VLAN interface, the switch will periodically
send Hello packets to the network devices supporting PIM. If the VLAN interface
receives Hello packets, it means that the VLAN interface has neighboring network
devices supporting PIM, and the VLAN interface will add the neighbors into its own
neighbor list. If the VLAN interface does not receive any Hello packet from a neighbor in
its neighbor list within the specified time, the neighbor is considered to have left the
multicast group.
# Configure to VLAN-interfaceo10 of the switch to send Hello packet at the interval of
40 seconds.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.