3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – QoS Chapter 1 QoS Commands
Assume there are N flows on a port, the bandwidth of the port is Bp, the minimum
guaranteed bandwidth of the ith flow is Bimin, and the maximum guaranteed bandwidth
of the ith flow is Bimax, and the weight is Wi. If the bandwidth occupied by all the flows
is greater than their minimum guaranteed bandwidth, and the sum of maximum
guaranteed bandwidth is greater than port bandwidth Bp, the bandwidth allocated to
the ith flow is Bi= Bimin+(Bp-
Wi .
Use the traffic-bandwidth command to activate the ACL for traffic identifying and
provide bandwidth guarantee for the corresponding traffic. This command is applicable
to only the permit rule).
Use the undo traffic-bandwidth command to remove this function.
This configuration provides the minimum guaranteed bandwidth and maximum
available bandwidth for the specific traffic. Note that the maximum available bandwidth
must be no smaller than the minimum guaranteed bandwidth.
Related command: display qos-interface traffic-bandwidth.
z Only type-A LPUs support this command.
z Only the permit rule can be referenced in this command and applied to hardware.
# Guarantee the bandwidth of the packets that match the permit rule in ACL 2000: The
minimum guaranteed bandwidth is 64 k, the maximum available bandwidth is 128 k,
and bandwidth weight is 50.
<3Com> system-view
[3Com] interface Ethernet1/0/1
[3Com-Ethernet1/0/1] qos
[3Com-qoss-Ethernet1/0/1] traffic-bandwidth outbound ip-group 2000 64 128 50