3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Port Security & Port Binding Chapter 1 Port Security Commands
1.1.7 port-security oui
port-security oui OUI-value index index-value
undo port-security oui index id-value
System view
OUI-value: OUI value. You can input a full MAC address (in hexadecimal format) for
this argument and the system will calculate the OUI value from your input.
index-value: OUI index, ranging from 1 to 16.
z The organizationally unique identifiers (OUIs) are assigned by IEEE to different
manufacturers. Each OUI uniquely identifies an equipment manufacturer in the
world and is the higher 24 bits of MAC address.
z You need only to input a full MAC address in hexadecimal format for the OUI-value
argument in this command, and the system will automatically convert the address
from hexadecimal format to binary format and then take the higher 24 bits of the
resulting binary data as the OUI value.
Use the port-security oui command to set an OUI value for authentication.
Use the undo port-security oui command to cancel the OUI value setting.
The OUI value set by this command takes effect only when the security mode of the
port is set to userlogin-withoui by the port-security port-mode command.
Related command: port-security port-mode.