Filtering Messages Eudora User Manual
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Transfer to Existing Mailbox—Select to transfer the filtered message into one of your
existing mailboxes. Select the mailbox from the button next to the field. The default
mailbox is the In box. When you click the button, a version of the Transfer menu appears,
letting you choose the mailbox from the Transfer menu.
Note. Also, you can create a new mailbox in the Filters window by choosing New from the
drop-down mailbox menu. This is handy for creating a new mailbox within another folder.
Delete Message (Transfer to Trash)—Select to delete the message that satisfies the filter
match conditions, transferring it to your Trash mailbox. This feature is useful for deleting
junk email, or “spam” as it is called in the Internet world. Test this filter to make sure
messages you really want to keep don’t go to the Trash mailbox.
■ Create Filter—When you have set up your match conditions and filter action, click
Create Filter to create the filter. The filter is added to the bottom of your filters list in the
Filters window (discussed below). The filter is available immediately and will act on
messages that satisfy the conditions at the next mail check, mail send, or selection of
the “Filter Messages” command, as appropriate. Filters are processed from top to
bottom of the filters list.
■ Add Details—Alternately, after setting up the filter information, click Add Details to
both create your filter and also open the Filters window. You can add additional infor-
mation to your new filter and make it more powerful or just change it. The filter is added
to the bottom of your filters list and is immediately available in the form in which it was
set up in the Make Filter dialog box. Any changes you make in the Filters window must
be saved before they become effective. Following is more information on the Filters
■ Cancel—Click Cancel to cancel the filter if you change your mind. The filter is
cancelled and your changes are not saved.
Detailed Filters with the Filters Window
The Make Filter dialog box, discussed previously, lets you create quick, simple filters that
perform one operation—a mail transfer—based on one match condition—a piece of
header information. The Filters window lets you create more complex, powerful filters that
use multiple match conditions and perform multiple filter actions. You can also use the
Filters window to create simple filters such as those created by the Make Filter dialog box.
To open the Filters window to create or modify a filter, do the following.