
Eudora User Manual Managing Your Mail on the IMAP Server
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Refreshing Your List of IMAP Mailboxes and Folders
If you have shared folders set up, you and other users can access and change messages
stored in mailboxes and folders you keep stored remotely on an IMAP server. However,
users may access shared folders only, your personal folders cannot be accessed. The
Mailboxes window does not reflect the real-time status of the IMAP mailbox list. So
between mail checks, a disparity can grow between what appears in the list and what is
actually on the IMAP server, as new mailboxes are added and existing ones are changed
or removed.
To refresh your list of mailboxes and folders on the IMAP server, as it appears in the Mail-
boxes window, do the following.
1 From the Tools menu, choose Mailboxes, or click the Mailboxes windows tab if it is
the inactive window in a tabbed group. The Mailboxes window appears.
2 Right-click on the top folder in the IMAP tree to display the drop-down list.
3 From the drop-down list, choose Refresh Mailbox List. The mailbox list is updated
according to what actually appears on the IMAP server at that time. Also, the Mailbox
and Transfer menus are updated with the current IMAP mailbox configuration.
Using IMAP Tasks Offline
If you use IMAP as your incoming server, you can perform certain tasks offline. Being
offline is the preferred method when you are using a laptop away from home or office.
When you are offline, you are disconnected from the server.
To go offline, do the following.
1 Move your mouse pointer to the taskbar and right-click. A context drop-down list
2 From the context menu, choose Offline. You are now disconnected from your IMAP
When you are offline, you can perform these tasks:
disable timed mail checks
manually check for mail
transfer and delete messages after they are retrieved. However, a dialog box appears
asking you to connect for as long as it takes to transfer and delete your messages.
Once the tasks are completed, you immediately disconnect from the server.