
Eudora User Manual Default INI file
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Name and Location of the INI File
The default name is EUDORA.INI and the default location is in the mail directory. But the
name and location can be changed.
To specify a different INI file from the EUDORA.INI that is not in the mail directory, add a
second parameter to the command line in the Program Item for Eudora, for example:
Command Line: c:\apps\eudora.exe c:\mymail c:\inis\myeudora.ini
To use a different INI file that is in the mail directory:
Command Line: c:\apps\eudora.exe c:\mymail myeudora.ini
Command Line: c:\apps\eudora.exe c:\mymail\myeudora.ini
This is a way to have multiple settings for one set of mailboxes, nicknames, etc. For
example, you may have multiple email accounts in which you receive mail, but want to
collect mail from all of the accounts in one place. You could set up separate Program
Items for each account (each having a different INI file on the command line), and
switching between accounts would be as simple as double-clicking on a Program Item.
And for an even more tricky specification, if the first parameter is an INI filename without a
path, then the mail directory is searched through the normal process of checking the
EUDORA environment variable and then using the executable directory.
SET EUDORA=c:\mymail
Command Line: c:\apps\eudora.exe myeudora.ini
will use c:\mymail as the mail directory and c:\mymail\myeudora.ini as the INI file.
SET EUDORA=myeudora.ini
Command Line: c:\apps\eudora.exe
will use c:\apps as the mail directory and c:\apps\myeudora.ini as the INI file.
Default INI file
When an entry in the EUDORA.INI file is not found, Eudora will look in the DEUDORA.INI
file located in the same directory as the EUDORA.EXE file. The [Mappings] section of the
DEUDORA.INI file acts as though it was appended to the end of the [Mappings] section of
the EUDORA.INI file.
SET EUDORA=c:\mymail
Command Line: c:\apps\eudora.exe myeudora.ini
will use c:\mymail as the mail directory and c:\mymail\myeudora.ini as the INI file.
SET EUDORA=myeudora.ini
Command Line: c:\apps\eudora.exe
will use c:\apps as the mail directory and c:\apps\myeudora.ini as the INI file.