
Eudora User Manual Filtering Messages
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Use the match type (contains is the default) drop-down menu to control how the header
item is matched with the text string in the text field. The match options are as follows:
contains or doesnt containIf the specified header item contains or does not contain
the text string, filter the message. It allows other text to surround the text string.
is or is notIf the specified header item is or is not an exact match of the text string, filter
the message.
starts with or ends withIf the specified header item starts with or ends with the text
string, filter the message. The starts with item refers to the first non-whitespace character
after the colon, so any spaces after the colon are ignored.
appears or doesnt appearIf the header item appears or does not appear in the
message, filter the message (the text field is ignored). This is useful for filtering messages
based only on the types of fields they contain. For example, some messages contain a
Reply-To: header, some dont.
intersects nicknameIf the text string is included in a nickname, whether it is a full
address or a nickname within the nickname, filter the message.
matches regexp (case sensitive)If the specific item matches the regular expressions
characters with case sensitivity, filter those messages.
Note. Regular Expressions is an advanced and complex method of searching for text.
Regular Expression is a search string that uses special characters to match text charac-
ters. For example, if you are filtering messages sent to you by two people, choose From in
the first drop-down options list, then choose matches regexp. Then type their usernames
between parentheses separated by a vertical slash, for example
(bobclark)|(janedoe)in the text box. Eudora searches and displays all messages
from these two people. For more information on regular expressions, refer to the
readme.txt file in your Eudora folder or click on the following Web site URL
matches regexpIf the specific item matches the regular expressions characters, filter
those messages.
Enter text in the text field boxes to specify the text strings that the filter is searching for.
Important. It is recommended that the contents of the text boxes be kept as specific and
brief as possible. The greater the complexity, the less likelihood of a match.
Be sure not to enter a header label in the text box as part of the text string. For example, to
filter all messages from Justine, do not enter From: Justine in the text box. Rather, select
From: in the Header field, and enter simply Justine in the text box.
Use the conjunction drop-down menu (ignore is the default) to link the two terms. The
conjunction options are as follows:
ignoreIgnore the second term. If the message matches the first term, filter the
andIf the message matches both the first and second terms (but not just one alone),
filter it.
orIf the message matches either term (or both), filter it.