
Eudora Toolbar Eudora User Manual
QUALCOMM Incorporated
main toolbar, a new composition window opens. If you hold down the Shift key and
click the New Message button in the main toolbar, the Message Options dialog box
appears, allowing you to select options for creating a new message (Personality and
5 Drag the button icon to your desired position on the toolbar.
Note. If you need help at any time during toolbar customization, click the Help button in
the Customize dialog box.
6 When you are finished adding toolbar buttons, click the Close button to close the
Customize dialog box.
Following are specific instructions for the tabbed panels of the Customize window:
GeneralThe Categories list contains names of menus and submenus. The buttons
correspond to commands on these menus and submenus. For more information on the
functions of these commands, see Using Menu Commands on page 185. Click the
page number to display the topic.
MailboxesThe Mailboxes list shows the same view as your Mailboxes window, open
it by choosing Mailboxes from the Tools menu. To add a toolbar button for a mailbox,
click the mailbox and drag the appropriate button to the toolbar. If the mailbox is in a
closed folder, double-click the folder icon to open it and display its contents (or click the
plus-sign [+] to open the folder), then click the mailbox and drag the desired button to
the toolbar. Note that you cannot add a toolbar button for a mail folder. For more infor-
mation on the Mailboxes window, see Using the Mailboxes Window on page 101.
Click the page number to display the topic.
PluginsThe Plugins list shows installed message and resource plug-ins. You can
add a plug-in button to the toolbar so that just by clicking on the button, you launch the
plug-in application. Note that if you elected to install QUALCOMMs PureVoice
voice-messaging software plug-in when you installed Eudora, Eudora automatically
adds a toolbar button for the PureVoice plug-in at the extreme right of the toolbar. See
Plug-ins (Extended Messaging Services) on page 242 for more information on
installing and using plug-ins. Click the page number to display the topic.
RecipientsThe Recipients list on the left shows all recipients that are listed on your
Quick Recipient List, which is the list of recipients to whom you frequently send mail.
See Using the Quick Recipient List on page 165 for more information. Click the page
number to display the topic. The buttons correspond to functions you can perform
when addressing and sending mail to recipients on your list: New Message To,
Forward To, Redirect To (all on the Message menu), and Insert Recipient (on the Edit
menu). If there are no recipients on your Quick Recipient List, the Recipients area of
this dialog box panel is empty.
StationeryThe Stationery list shows all of your stationery files. The buttons corre-
spond to stationery-related commands: New Message With, Reply With, and Reply to
All With, all under the Message menu. For more information on using stationery, see
Using Stationery on page 70. Click the page number to display the topic.
PersonalitiesThe Personalities list shows all of your email accounts if you use
multiple personalities (multiple accounts). The buttons correspond to person-
ality-related commands, such as the Message menu Change Personality command.
For more information on using multiple personalities, see Using Alternate Email
Accounts on page 75. Click the page number to display the topic.