The Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI) Eudora User Manual
QUALCOMM Incorporated
The Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI)
MAPI is an interface that lets you send email messages from any MAPI-compatible appli-
cation, such as your Web browser, word processor, spreadsheet, graphics application,
MAPI-compatible applications have a Send or Send Mail option in the File menu. When
you select the option, the Eudora MAPI server displays a new outgoing message with your
current document attached. All you need to do is address the message, type any details
you want to include in the body of the message, and click Send or Queue.
To run the Eudora MAPI server, set the options in the MAPI category of the Eudora
Options windows. To display the MAPI Options, select Options... from the Tools menu and
click on the MAPI category. See “MAPI Technical Report” on page 247. Click the page
number to display the topic.
You have several options in the MAPI Options dialog for loading the Eudora MAPI server.
You can set it to always run or to run only when Eudora is running, or you can specify that
it never run. These three options open or exit the server as soon as you select them.
Note. When you are running the Eudora MAPI server, Microsoft Exchange will not work. If
you need to use Exchange, turn off the Eudora MAPI server.
You also have several options for saving or deleting MAPI attachments. When you use
MAPI to attach a file and send a message, that file is immediately copied into the Attach
directory (or a directory you have specified). You can use the MAPI options to save those
copies (never delete them), or to delete them after sending their corresponding messages,
or to delete them when their corresponding messages are emptied from the Trash.
Last, you have an option to send a single MAPI text file attachment (TXT and HTML files
only) as an inline attachment — text in the body of the Eudora message — rather than as
a “rider,” or normal attachment, to the message. So, for example, you can pass a Web
page from your Web browser directly into the body of a Eudora message, for your recipi-
ents to read right in the message itself: they don’t have to open an attachment.
Putting Multiple Users on One Computer
If you have a multiple-user license for Eudora, you can set things up so that more than one
Eudora user can be on a single computer. This also works if you have multiple e-mail
accounts (multiple personalities), but you don’t want your alternate personalities to use the
same set of mailboxes. You will need to exit and reopen Eudora to switch users or
To have multiple users on one computer, do the following:
1 For each user, create a shortcut to the Eudora executable file (Eudora.exe).
2 Right-click on the new shortcut and select Properties.
3 Click the Shortcut tab.
4 In the Target field, add the path to the user’s Eudora.ini file, as shown in the example