Eudora User Manual Finish Address Book Entry Command
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Finish Address Book Entry Command
By using the Finish Address Book Entry command, you can enter a unique portion of a
nickname in the To:, Cc:, or Bcc: fields of a message, then from the Edit menu, choose
Finish Address Book Entry, and the nickname will be completed for you. You must enter
the characters in the nickname that make it unique, or Eudora will not know which nick-
name to use. For example, if you have two nicknames, joan and john, you would have to
enter “joa” or “joh” for Eudora to complete them. Also, see “Using Automatic Name
Completion (Sponsored and Paid modes only)” on page 26. Click the page number to
display the topic.
To insert the real addresses for the entry, instead of the nickname, do the following.
■ Hold down the Shift key and from the Edit menu, choose Finish Address Book Entry.
To set this to happen all the time, select the “Automatically expand nicknames” option
in the Miscellaneous options window. See “Miscellaneous” on page 231. Click the page
number to display the topic.
Using Central Address Book Files on a Server
You can set up central Address Book files on a server and configure Eudora clients so that
they refer to the central files.
Important. You should be an expert user or an administrator to perform this function.
First, be sure the files are plain text, have a .txt extension, and are formatted as follows:
one nickname on each line with the real addresses separated by commas, and one line for
notes and info with the Notes text following the Info data. For example:
alias Wow joe@wow.com,lisa@wow.com,chris@wow.com
note Wow <fax: 222.2223><phone: 222.2222><address:1234 Street>
<name:Wow Inc.>My favorite company
Then, for each client application, add an “ExtraNicknameDirs” entry to the [Settings]
section of the Eudora.ini file. This entry should be followed by the list of directories that
contain Address Book files, separated by semicolons (;). Any Address Book files located
in those directories are added to the Address Book. You will need to exit and re-open
Eudora to see the new entries.
Using Address Book Files Not Created by Eudora
To use an Address Book file that was not created in Eudora, put the file in the Nickname
directory located in your Eudora folder, and be sure the format is as shown in the previous
section “Using Central Address Book Files on a Server.” You will need to exit and reopen
Eudora to see your new entries in the Address Book.
Note. You can migrate your address book from Netscape Messenger, Outlook Express,
and Outlook ‘98 to Eudora. See “Importing Settings to Create a New Account” on page 80.
Click the page number to display the topic.