
Eudora User Manual Changing, Moving, Copying, and Deleting Entries
QUALCOMM Incorporated
9 In the Postal Address, Phone, and Fax text boxes, enter the contact information for
the person or group.This information is not included in outgoing messages. Entering
this information is optional.
Adding other information to your Address Book
10 To add any additional information regarding the person or group, click the Notes tab.
We recommend that you have at most 2,500 entries per file. If you have a large
number of entries, you may want to consider using a Ph server. For information, see
Sources on page 257. Click the page number to display the topic.
11 To save your changes to the Address Book, from the File menu choose Save.
Changing, Moving, Copying, and Deleting Entries
To change the nickname for an entry, see the next section, Renaming a Nickname.
To make other changes to an entrythat is, to change any information in the Address(es),
Notes, or Info tabsselect the entry from the list and edit the fields as appropriate.
To move or copy an entry to a file, do the following.
1 Right-click the address book entry to display the drop-down list.
2 From the drop-down list, choose Move To to move an entry or Copy To to copy an
entry. The Choose a Nickname File dialog box appears so that you can select the file to
which you want to move or copy the entry.
Choose a Nickname File dialog box
3 You can move an entry (or entries) to a different file by dragging it, or copy it by holding
down the Shift or Ctrl key and then dragging it.