Viewing Mail Eudora User Manual
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Viewing Mail options window
Select the options you want to change. Options are described below.
Message Window—These options determine how Eudora displays received and compo-
sition messages.
Use Microsoft’s viewer—If this is turned off, Eudora displays advanced formatting,
graphics, and multimedia in incoming and outgoing messages, using its own built-in
viewer. If this is selected, Eudora takes full advantage of the Web browser capabilities
of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 3.0 or later by showing Web content right in incoming
and outgoing messages or linking to the Internet, without your having to open the Web
browser. This option is available only if you have Microsoft’s Internet Explorer version
3.0 or higher installed and available on your system.
Message window width—This specifies the width of new and received message
windows (in characters). This option has no effect on what your mail looks like when it
is sent. When mail is sent, Eudora wraps at or before 76 columns.
Note. If you use a proportional font, Eudora sets the window width based on the
average width of the characters in the font.
Message window height—This specifies the height of new and received message
windows (in lines).
Note. If the “Zoom windows when opening” option is selected, received message
window heights are automatically adjusted to the height of the message text.
Preview Pane—These options determine the visibility and behavior of the message
preview pane that appears at the bottom of mailbox windows.
Show message preview pane—If this option is selected, Eudora displays the
message preview pane in mailbox windows. The preview pane previews a single
selected message. A splitter between the preview pane and the message summary list
lets you resize the preview pane relative to the list.
Mark previewed messages as read after _ second(s)—If this option is selected and
the “Show message preview pane” option is turned on, the message currently selected
in the mailbox window and previewed in the preview pane is automatically marked as