Adding a Personality via the Account Settings Dialog Eudora User Manual
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Note. If you do enter an address in this field, first test the address to be sure that mail sent
to it is indeed delivered to you. If you use an invalid return address, no one will be able to
reply to mail sent from this personality.
Login Name—Enter the name you use to login to this email account. For example, in the
incoming mail account jcamp@pop.myfirm.com, the login name is jcamp. The part
after the at-sign “@” is the name of the incoming mail server. See “Incoming Mail” on
page 200. Click the page number to display the topic.
SMTP Server—Enter the name of the outgoing-mail server for this personality. SMTP
stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Outgoing messages you send are routed
through this server. If the computer selected by this personality’s incoming mail account
also runs on an SMTP server, you can leave this field blank. See “Sending Mail” on
page 203. Click the page number to display the topic.
Allow Authentication—Eudora can log in to an SMTP server when sending mail, just like
it does for receiving mail. Not all SMTP servers require or allow such authentication.
Eudora will attempt authentication to servers that allow it. The preferred SMTP authentica-
tion method is CRAM-MD5. If CRAM-MD5 is not available, LOGIN or PLAIN will automati-
cally be used. See “Using SMTP Authentication” on page 46.
Default Domain—Enter the domain name that Eudora automatically adds to an unquali-
fied name addressed in messages sent from this personality. An unqualified name is a
name that doesn’t have an “@” sign followed by a domain name. This can be used to save
time when addressing large numbers of messages to users in the same domain. Also,
different personalities can be used to send messages to different domains. For example,
you can use one personality to send work-related messages to the domain myfirm.com,
and another personality to send personal messages to the domain in your home email
address or to your school account (for example, myschool.edu).
Default Stationery—Select the stationery to use for all outgoing messages sent from this
personality from the drop-down list, or select <No Default> for no default stationery. For
more details about using stationery with alternate personalities, see “Linking a Signature
and Stationery to a Personality” on page 89 and “Sending Mail” on page 203. Click the
page number to display the topic.
Default Signature—Select the signature to use for all outgoing messages sent from this
personality from the drop-down list. If you select a signature, Eudora automatically
attaches that signature to the end of all outgoing messages sent from this personality. You
can always change the signature in a particular outgoing message using the Signature
drop-down list in the composition window. For more details about using signatures with
alternate personalities, see “Using a Signature” on page 67 and “Sending Mail” on
page 203. Click the page number to display the topic.
Note. If the stationery you chose has a signature attached to it, that signature will override
the signature you select here.
Check Mail—If this is selected, mail checking is activated for this personality in the
following ways:
■ If you have specified a number in the “Check for mail every _ minutes” option in the
Checking Mail options window, then when automatic mail-checks are performed at
these intervals, mail for this personality is checked as well.