
Eudora User Manual Normal Windows
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Closing a tool window does not erase its contents, unless the contents are saveable and
you choose to discard changes. When you close a tool window or a tabbed window, the
content, state, and position of the window or of all windows in the tabbed window are
preserved. The preservation of content is useful for persistent data such as filter reports
and directory service queries. If you try to close or de-activate a tool or tabbed window
with unsaved changes, Eudora asks if you want to save the changes.
Note. If you are using Eudora in Sponsored mode, an ad window appears at the left-hand
bottom of your screen. The ad window is the minimum size that corresponds to the ad
being displayed, and this window is not moveable.
Normal Windows
A window is in the normal state if it is restricted to the window work area of the main
Eudora window and cannot be dragged out of the main window.
Sample normal windows inside the main Eudora window
Normal windows can be moved around within the window work area. They can also be
minimized, and can be maximized to completely fill the visible window work area. When a
normal window is maximized, its title bar partially blends with the main window title bar.
Normal windows can overlap other normal windows and are obscured by both docked and
floating windows.
The title bar of a normal window contains the window-menu icon (far left) and three stan-
dard window buttons (far right): minimize/restore, maximize/restore, and close.