Eudora User Manual Advanced Network
QUALCOMM Incorporated
MAPI options window
Select the options you want to change. Options are described below.
Use Eudora MAPI server—If “Never” is selected, the Eudora MAPI server is turned off
and is never automatically loaded. If “When Eudora is running” is selected, the Eudora
MAPI server is selected when Eudora is running. If “Always” is selected, the Eudora MAPI
server is selected and is always loaded on startup.
Delete MAPI attachments—If “Never” is selected, MAPI attachments are never deleted
from the attachment directory. If “After sending message” is selected, MAPI attachments
are deleted from the attachment directory when their corresponding messages are sent. If
“When message emptied from Trash” is selected, MAPI attachments are deleted from the
attachment directory when their corresponding messages are emptied from the Trash.
Send single MAPI file attachment as inline attachment (TXT and HTML files only)—
Select this when you need to have the MAPI client send a single TXT or HTML file as an
attachment with no body text. Eudora turns off the “Text As Attachment” button in the
outgoing message toolbar (if it is selected), so that the document is sent to the recipient as
inline text in the message body. This allows MAPI clients, such as Internet Explorer, to
pass Web pages and other HTML and TXT documents right into the body of the Eudora
message. (The “Text As Attachment” button, if turned on in the outgoing message toolbar,
instructs Eudora to attach text files, such as TXT and HTML, to the message rather than
incorporating the text into the message as part of the message body. The default state of
this button is controlled by the “Put text attachments in body of message” option in the
Attachments options. See “Attachments” on page 207. Click the page number to display
the topic.)
Advanced Network
The Advanced Network options control some of Eudora’s advanced network functions.
Important. Consult your email administrator before modifying any of these options.
To display the Advanced Network options window, do the following.