
Eudora User Manual Adding a Personality via the Account Settings Dialog
QUALCOMM Incorporated
Generic Properties
This dialog box window contains the general characteristics associated with this person-
Sample Account Settings (Generic Properties panel)
Following are option descriptions for the Generic Properties panel.
Personality NameEnter a descriptive name to describe the personality (for example,
Business or My PC Account). <Dominant> indicates your dominant personality.
Your dominant personality is your principal email account. All of your initial email settings
are for your dominant personality. If you do not specify a personality, your dominant
personality is used.
Note that the name shown here may be different from the Real Name associated with the
personality (see below).
Real NameEnter the real name of this personalitygenerally a first and last name. The
text you enter here is included in the From: field of all your outgoing messages from this
personality and identifies the source to your recipients. It appears before your return
address in the message header.
Return AddressEnter the return email address used in outgoing messages and recipi-
ents replies for this personality, if this address is different from the personalitys incoming
mail account. The address you enter here is included in the From: field of all your outgoing
messages from this personality, and when a recipient replies to a message from this
personality, the reply is sent to this address. If you do not enter an address in this field,
Eudora uses the personalitys incoming mail account as the return address. Incoming mail
accounts are usually of the form loginname@incomingmailserver. For example, suppose
your incoming mail account is jcamp@pop.myfirm.com but your return address is
slightly different jcamp@myfirm.com. You would then enter jcamp@myfirm.com in this