Using the Function Menu
This section explains the meaning of each function
menu parameter, and provides information about their
setting ranges and initial default values.
• For each item, the initial default setting is indicated
by an asterisk (*).
Use this item to adjust the pitch in cent steps (1 cent =
1/100 semitone).
–99 to 0* to +99 cents
Select OFF* to overwrite existing equalizer settings
when recalling registration data (page E-34). Select ON
to retain existing equalizer settings.
Select one of the settings below to specify the
relationship between key pressure and note volume.
Specifies whether the pedal unit connected to the
SOFT/SOSTENUTO PEDAL jack is a soft pedal (SFT*)
or a sostenuto pedal (SOS).
Select OFF to disconnect the Digital Piano’s keyboard
from the internal sound source.
Function Menu Settings
1 Tuning (Tune)
2EQ Hold
3 Touch Response (Touch)
OFF: Constant note volume regardless of keyboard pressure
1 : Strong sound even with light pressure
2* : Normal
3 : Normal sound even with strong pressure
4 Pedal Assign (PedAssign)
5 Local Control (LocalCtl.)
6 Temperament/Effect (Tmpr/Effect)
Temperament (Temper.)
Use this setting to select one of the temperaments
(tunings) shown below for the internal sound
source. Pressing a keyboard key while this item is
displayed will set that key’s note name (C* to B) as
the temperament key note.
• Equal temperament is always used for MIDI file
playback in the CARD PLAYER mode.
Stretch Tuning (Stretch)
Stretch tuning is a standard piano tuning method
that tunes high notes slightly higher and low notes
slightly lower. Select ON* for this item to enable
stretch tuning or OFF for plain tuning.
Acoustic Resonance (AcoReson.)
Acoustic resonance occurs when the damper pedal
is depressed on a grand piano. Select ON* for this
item to enable acoustic resonance or OFF to disable
Half Pedal Effect (HalfPedal)
Use this item to adjust how much a half-pedal
operation (pressing the pedal part way) when using
the damper pedal of the optional pedal unit (SP-32).
A setting of 00 disables the half pedal effect. Setting
42 applies a full-press effect, even when the pedal is
pressed part way.
00 to 24* to 42
00* : Equal
01 :Pure Major
02 :Pure Minor
03 : Pythagorean
04 :Kirnberger 3
05 :Werckmeister
06 :Mean-Tone
07 : Rast
08 : Bayati
09 :Hijaz
10 : Saba
11 : Dashti
12 : Chahargah
13 :Segah
14 :Gurjari Todi
15 : Chandrakauns
16 :Charukeshi