Livescribe VERSION 1.2 Recording Equipment User Manual

Livescribe identifies each notebook or journal with a number. Within a group, paper
products labeled with the same number have the same dots. Paper products labeled
with different numbers have different dot patterns.
Currently, numbers in a group run from 1 to 8. For example, the Lined Notebooks
group contains the following notebooks:
Lined Notebook 1
Lined Notebook 2
. . .
Lined Notebook 8
As described above, if you want to use two paper products that have the same dot
pattern, you must archive the first before using the next. For example, if you have
two notebooks named Lined Notebook 1 you must archive one before using the other
because they have same dot pattern. Similarly, all journals identified as Unlined
Journal 3 have the same dot pattern. If you have two Unlined Journal 3 journals,
then you must archive one before starting on the next.
If two paper products have different dot patterns, you can use them at the same
time without archiving. For example, Lined Notebook 1 has a different dot pattern
from Lined Notebook 2, so you can use them at the same time. Similarly, Lined
Notebook 3 has a different dot pattern from Unlined Journal 3.
Archiving Paper Products
When you have finished using a Livescribe dot paper product, you should archive it
in Livescribe Desktop. Archiving a Livescribe dot paper product does the following:
frees up storage space on your Pulse smartpen
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