Editing sounds | TUNING parameters
FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion
TUNING parameters
The parameters of the TUNING group apply to the entire FR-7/FR-5 and are not saved to a Set. The
FR-7/FR-5 remembers them, however, so that you may have to change them again to return to the fac-
tory default. See pages 35 and 37 for how to select and adjust the parameters.
Press [UP] and [DOWN] simultaneously to select the value that is indicated as “Default setting”.
Any changes you make can be saved even without
using the WRITE function (see p. 78). To avoid losing
your changes, it would be a good idea to take advan-
tage of the following automatic routine.
Whenever you press [EXIT÷JUMP] after editing a Menu
parameter, the FR-7/FR-5 asks you whether you want
to save your changes:
“YES” is selected by default. To save your changes, pro-
ceed as described below. (If you don’t want to save
them, turn the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select “NO”, then
press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob.)
To save your changes:
(1) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob. The display now
responds with:
Note: The GLOBAL page shows all parameters that are saved to
the Global memory (there is only one such memory): the Mas-
ter Tune and Scale Tune parameters of the TUNING group (the
Transpose setting is never saved) as well as the SYSTEM and
MIDI groups.
(2) Press the [MENU÷WRITE] button to save your
changes. The display briefly shows a confirmation:
Note: If you selected “NO”, the edited Global settings will be
used until you switch off the FR-7/FR-5 (or change them
Note: The SCALE and TUNE settings are saved using a separate
WRITE routine (see below).
1.1 Master Tune
(415.3~466.2, Default setting:
440.0) This parameter allows
you to change the FR-7/FR-5’s
overall tuning, which may be
necessary when you play with
acoustic instruments that cannot be tuned easily or if
you use a CD or cassette tape as accompaniment. The
factory default, “440.0Hz”, represents the reference
pitch used by all electronic musical instruments.
1.2 Transpose
(F# –6, G –5, Ab –4, A –3, Bb –2,
B –1, C 0, C# 1, D2, Eb 3, E 4,
F 5) This parameter allows you
to transpose all sections of the
FR-7/FR-5. See page 28 for
1.3 Scale
This page contains two parame-
ters. The first one allows you to
select the tuning system and the
second one to specify the funda-
mental/root of the key you want
to play in. This was already discussed on page 29.
Type: Equal (Off), User 1, User 2, User 3, Arabic1,
Arabic2, Just Major, Just Minor, Pythagorean, Mean-
Tone, Werckmeister, Kirnberger
Key: C, C#, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B
1.4 Scale Edit
Here comes a display page with
three selectable and adjustable
parameters. You may have
noticed that there are three
“User” scales. They refer to tun-
ing systems you can program yourself. Obviously, you
only need to do this if none of the factory scales corre-
sponds to the system you would like to use (a gamelan
tuning, for example).
As this is a rather complex matter, the procedure for
programming your tuning is a little different from the
adjustment of other parameters:
• After selecting this page, pressing [DATA÷ENTER] will
do nothing.
• Instead, you need to press the [MENU÷WRITE] button
to jump to the following page:
Saving your changes