Verifying the VCS
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About verifying the VCS installation
■ About the LLT and GAB configuration files
■ About the VCS configuration file main.cf
■ Verifying the LLT, GAB, and VCS configuration files
■ Verifying LLT, GAB, and cluster operation
About verifying the VCS installation
After you install and configure VCS, you can inspect the contents of the key VCS
configurationfiles that youhave installedand modified duringthe process.These
files reflect the configuration that is based on the information you supplied. You
can also run VCS commands to verify the status of LLT, GAB, and the cluster.
About the LLT and GAB configuration files
LowLatency Transport(LLT)and GroupMembership andAtomicBroadcast (GAB)
are VCS communication services. LLT requires /etc/llthosts and /etc/llttab files.
GAB requires /etc/gabtab file.
The information that theseLLT andGAB configuration files contain is as follows:
■ The /etc/llthosts file