Table A-3
Response file variables (continued)
Defines the minimum severity level of messages
(Information, Warning, Error, SevereError) that listed
SMTP recipients are to receive. Note that the ordering
of severity levels must match that of the addresses of
SMTP recipients.
List or scalar: list
Optional or required: optional
Defines the SNMP trap daemon port (default=162).
List or scalar: scalar
Optional or required: optional
List of SNMP console system names
List or scalar: list
Optional or required: optional
Defines the minimum severity level of messages
(Information, Warning, Error, SevereError) that listed
SNMP consoles are to receive. Note that the ordering
ofseverity levelsmustmatchthat oftheSNMPconsole
system names.
List or scalar: list
Optional or required: optional
List of encoded passwords for users
List or scalar: list
Optional or required: optional
List of names of users
List or scalar: list
Optional or required: optional
List of privileges for users
List or scalar: list
Optional or required: optional
Advanced VCS installation topics
Performing automated VCS installations