See “Mounting the product disc” on page 49.
To prepare for installation
Dependingon theOS distribution, replacethe distin thecommand withrhel5
or sles10. Replace the arch in the command with ppc64.
# cd /mnt/cdrom/dist_arch/cluster_server/rpms
Installing VCS RPMs for a manual installation
VCS has both required and optional RPMs. Install the required RPMs first. All
RPMs are installed in the /opt directory.
When you select the optional RPMs, review the following information:
■ Symantec recommends that you install the RPMs for VCS manual pages
■ The I/O fencing RPM (VRTSvxfen) canbe usedonly with theshared disksthat
support SCSI-3 Persistent Reservations (PR). See the Veritas Cluster Server
User'sGuidefor aconceptual descriptionofI/O fencing.You needto testshared
storage for SCSI-3 PR and to implement I/O fencing.
See “About setting up disk-based I/O fencing” on page 89.
Usethis procedureifyou install VCS forthe first time. Makesure thesystemdoes
not have any of the VCS RPMs already installed. If VCS is alreadyinstalled, either
remove the RPMs before you perform this procedure or upgrade VCS on the new
Perform the steps to install VCS RPMs on each node in the cluster.
To install VCS RPMs on a node
Install the required VCS RPMs in the order shown. Do not install any RPMs
already installed on the system. Pay special attention to operating system
distribution and architecture.
■ RHEL5/ppc64, required RPMS
# rpm -i VRTSvlic-
# rpm -i VRTSperl-
# rpm -i VRTSspt-
# rpm -i VRTSllt-
# rpm -i VRTSgab-
# rpm -i VRTSvxfen-
# rpm -i VRTSvcs-
# rpm -i VRTSvcsag-
# rpm -i VRTSvcsdr-
Adding and removing cluster nodes
Adding a node to a cluster