Table 4-4
File description
■ Lists the RPMs that are installed on each system.
■ Describes the cluster and its configured resources.
■ Provides the information for managing the cluster.
summary file
Details the entire installation.log file
Contains the configuration information that can be used to perform
secure or unattended installations on other systems.
See “Example response file” on page 165.
response file
About enabling LDAP authentication for clusters that run in secure
Symantec Product Authentication Service (AT) supports LDAP (Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol) user authentication through a plug-in for the
authentication broker. AT supports all common LDAP distributions such as Sun
Directory Server, Netscape, OpenLDAP, and Windows Active Directory.
For a cluster that runsin secure mode, you must enablethe LDAP authentication
plug-inif theVCSusers belongto anLDAPdomain. Toenable LDAPauthentication
plug-in, youmust verifythe LDAP environment,add theLDAP domain in AT,and
thenverifyLDAP authentication.TheAT componentpackaged withVCSrequires
you to manually edit the VRTSatlocal.conf file to enable LDAP authentication.
Refer to the Symantec Product Authentication Service Administrator’s Guide for
Ifyouhave notalreadyaddedVCS usersduringinstallation, youcanaddthe users
See the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide for instructions to add VCS users.
Figure 4-2 depicts the VCS cluster communication with the LDAP servers when
clusters run in secure mode.
Installing and configuring VCS
Installing and configuring VCS 5.0 RU3