for installation are not met, the utility stops and indicates the actions that are
requiredtoproceed withtheprocess.Review theoutputasthe installeruninstalls
any previous versions and installs the VCS 5.0 RU3 RPMs.
Creating VCS configuration files
Afteryou installthe RPMsand providetheconfiguration information,the installer
continues to create configuration files and copies them to each system.
Creating Cluster Server configuration files ............ Done
Copying configuration files to galaxy.................... Done
Copying configuration files to nebula.................... Done
Cluster Server configured successfully.
If you chose to configure the cluster in secure mode, the installer also configures
the Symantec Product Authentication Service.
Depending on the mode you chose to set up Authentication Service, the installer
does one of the following:
■ Creates the security principal
■ Executes the encrypted file to create security principal on each node in the
The installer then does the following before the installer starts VCS in secure
■ Creates the VxSS service group
■ Creates the Authentication Server credentials on each node in the cluster
■ Creates the Web credentials for VCS users
■ Sets up trust with the root broker
Verifying the NIC configuration
The installer verifies on all the nodes if all NICs have PERSISTENT_NAME set
If the persistent interface names are not configured correctly for the network
devices, the installer displays the following warnings:
Verifying that all NICs have PERSISTENT_NAME set correctly on
For VCS to run correctly, the names of the NIC cards must be
boot persistent.
Installing and configuring VCS
Installing and configuring VCS 5.0 RU3