To perform automated installation
Navigate to the folder containing the installvcs program.
# cd /mnt/cdrom/cluster_server
Start theinstallation from oneof the cluster systems where you have copied
the response file.
# ./installvcs -responsefile /tmp/response_file
Where /tmp/response_file is the response file’s full path name.
Syntax in the response file
The syntax of the Perl statements that are included in the response file varies. It
can depend on whether the variables require scalar or list values.
For example, in the case of a string value:
or, in the case of an integer value:
or, in the case of a list:
$CFG{List_variable}=["value", "value", "value"];
Example response file
The example response file resembles the file that installvcs creates after the
example VCS installation. The file is a modified version of the response file
generatedon vcs_cluster2 thatyou can useto install VCSon vcs_cluster3.Review
the variables that are required for installation.
See “Response file variable definitions” on page 166.
# installvcs configuration values:
165Advanced VCS installation topics
Performing automated VCS installations