Preparing to install VCS
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About preparing to install VCS
■ Preparing to configure the clusters in secure mode
■ Performing preinstallation tasks
About preparing to install VCS
Before you perform the preinstallation tasks, make sure you reviewed the
installationrequirements, setup thebasic hardware,and planned yourVCS setup.
Preparing to configure the clusters in secure mode
You can set up Symantec Product Authentication Service (AT) for the cluster
during the VCS installation or after the installation.
If you want to enable AT in a cluster at a later time, refer to the Veritas Cluster
Server User's Guide for instructions.
The prerequisites to configure a cluster in secure mode are as follows:
■ A system in your enterprise is configured as root broker (RB).
If a root broker system does not exist, install and configure root broker on a
See “Installing the root broker for the security infrastructure” on page 33.
■ An authentication broker (AB) account for each node in the cluster is set up
on the root broker system.
See “Creating authentication broker accounts on root broker system”
on page 34.