Getting your VCS installation and configuration
information ready
The VCS installation and configuration program prompts you for information
about certain VCS components.
When you perform the installation, prepare the following information:
■ To install VCS RPMs you need:
Example: galaxy, nebulaThesystemnameswhereyou
plan to install VCS
Depending on the type of installation, keys include:
■ A valid site license key
■ A valid demo license key
■ A valid license key for VCS global clusters
See “Obtaining VCS license keys” on page 39.
The required license keys
Install only the required RPMs if you do not want to
configure any optional components or features.
The default option is to install all RPMs.
See “Optional VCS RPMs” on page 54.
To decide whetherto install:
■ the required VCS RPMs
■ all the VCS RPMs
■ To configure Veritas Cluster Server you need:
The cluster name must begin with a letter of the
alphabet. The cluster name can contain only the
"0"through "9",the hyphen"-",and theunderscore "_".
Example: vcs_cluster27
A name for the cluster
A number in the range of 0-65535. Within the site that
contains the cluster, each cluster must have a unique
Example: 7
A unique ID number for the
A network interface card that is not part of any
aggregated interface, or an aggregated interface.
Do not use the network interface card that is used for
the public network, which is typically eth0.
Example: eth1, eth2
among systems
Installing and configuring VCS
Getting your VCS installation and configuration information ready