Scan all disk drives and their attributes, update the VxVM device list, and
reconfigure DMP with the new devices. Type:
# vxdisk scandisks
See the Veritas Volume Manager documentation for details on how to add
and configure disks.
To initialize the disks as VxVM disks, use one of the following methods:
■ Usethe interactive vxdiskadmutility toinitialize the disksas VxVMdisks.
For more information see the Veritas Volume Managers Administrator’s
■ Use the vxdisksetup command to initialize a disk as a VxVM disk.
vxdisksetup -i device_name
The example specifies the CDS format:
# vxdisksetup -i sdr
Repeat this command for each disk you intend to use as a coordinator
Identifying disks to use as coordinator disks
After you add and initialize disks, identify disks to use as coordinator disks.
To identify the coordinator disks
List the disks on each node.
For example, execute the following commands to list the disks:
# vxdisk list
Pick three SCSI-3 PR compliant shared disks as coordinator disks.
Checking shared disks for I/O fencing
Make sure that the shared storage you set up while preparing to configure VCS
meets the I/O fencing requirements. You can test the shared disks using the
vxfentsthdwutility. Thetwo nodesmust havessh (default)or rshcommunication.
To confirm whether a disk (or LUN) supports SCSI-3 persistent reservations, two
nodes must simultaneously have access to the same disks. Because a shared disk
is likely to have a different name on each node, check the serial number to verify
the identity of the disk. Use the vxfenadm command with the -i option. This
95Configuring VCS clusters for data integrity
Preparing to configure disk-based I/O fencing