Youcanonly installthe Symantecsoftwareproducts forwhichyou havepurchased
alicense. Theenclosedsoftware discsmight includeother productsfor whichyou
have not purchased a license.
Setting up the private network
VCS requires you to set up a private network between the systems that form a
cluster.You canuse eitherNICs oraggregated interfacestoset upprivate network.
You can use network switches instead of hubs.
Refer to the Veritas Cluster Server Administrator's Guide to review VCS
performance considerations.
Figure 3-2 shows two private networks for use with VCS.
Figure 3-2
Private network setups: two-node and four-node clusters
Public network Public network
Private network switches or hubs
Symantecrecommendsconfiguringtwo independentnetworksbetweenthe cluster
nodes with a network switch for each network. You can also connect the two
switches at layer 2 for advanced failure protection. Such connections for LLT at
layer 2 are called cross-links.
Figure 3-3 shows a private network configuration with crossed links betweenthe
network switches.
Preparing to install VCS
Performing preinstallation tasks