To verify the cluster
To verify the status of the cluster, type the following command:
hastatus -summary
The output resembles:
-- System State Frozen
A galaxy RUNNING 0
A nebula RUNNING 0
-- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State
B ClusterService galaxy Y N ONLINE
B ClusterService nebula Y N OFFLINE
Review the command output for the following information:
■ The system state
If the value of the system state is RUNNING, the cluster is successfully
■ The ClusterService group state
Inthe sampleoutput, the groupstate liststhe ClusterService group,which
is ONLINE on galaxy and OFFLINE on nebula.
Verifying the cluster nodes
Verifytheinformation ofthecluster systemsusing thehasys -displaycommand.
The information for each node in the output should be similar.
Refer to the hasys(1M) manual page.
Refer to the Veritas ClusterServer User's Guide for information about the system
attributes for VCS.
To verify the cluster nodes
On one of the nodes, type the hasys -display command:
hasys -display
Verifying the VCS installation
Verifying LLT, GAB, and cluster operation