Referto theinstallation guidethat comeswith theStorage Foundation product
that you use.
Perform the following preparatory tasks to configure I/O fencing:
See “Initializing disks as VxVM disks”
on page 93.
Initialize disks as VxVM disks
See “Identifying disks to use as coordinator
disks” on page 95.
Identify disks to use as coordinator disks
See “Checkingshared disks forI/O fencing”
on page 95.
Check shared disks for I/O fencing
The tasks involved in checking the shared
disks for I/O fencing are as follows:
■ Verify that the nodes have access to the
same disk
■ Test the disks using the vxfentsthdw
Initializing disks as VxVM disks
Perform the following procedure to initialize disks as VxVM disks.
To initialize disks as VxVM disks
Make the new disks recognizable. On each node, enter:
# fdisk -l
If the Array Support Library (ASL) for the array that you add is not installed,
obtain and install it on each node before proceeding.
The ASL for the supported storage device that you add is available from the
disk array vendor or Symantec technical support.
93Configuring VCS clusters for data integrity
Preparing to configure disk-based I/O fencing